Love Annapolis was started by a group of friends in 2013 seeking to positively impact the city through relationships by modeling the kind of friendship and resourcing that Jesus of Nazareth embodied. With the issues facing our city today, we hope to inspire and invite as many people as possible—regardless of their faith background—to care for those in need.

Amidst our own traditions, we began making efforts to cross socioeconomic, ethnic, and racial lines. Our relationships, friendships, and partnerships grew as we spent time among individuals, children, and families living in impoverished conditions, of which we were previously unaware, right here in Annapolis. We met at the crossroads of relationship and the resource in discovering how an ongoing love became the pathway for meaningful transformation. As we began to observe strangers becoming friends, families from different neighborhoods and backgrounds sharing resources, experiences and love for one another grew in a way we never would have anticipated.

Our hearts are being transformed and we see a meaningful impact on the people of our city. We continue to seek to care for those around us and hope you will join us in our pursuit of loving our neighbors through our programs in education, food, and Walk with One. All of these are designed with a thoughtful mind and heart toward creating positive experiences focused on building positive communities for our city.